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Good Shepherds.jpg

Praying & Painting began in 2020 with a meeting for Confraternity of Christian Mothers. We were planning the year and God gave me the idea of a group painting session where I show the mothers how to paint Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This was the first session. I created a line drawing on a bunch of 20 inch x 16 inch canvas in waterproof ink then had them fill in the colors. I did this method again with the Sacred Heart of Jesus using 20 inch x 16 inch canvas. For Jesus, the Great High Priest, and Jesus the Good Shepherd I chose to use a 10 inch x 8 inch canvas. I created a line drawing on paper and showed how to transfer the drawing making graphite paper. The pencil lines were then done in waterproof ink and then the picture was painted in. These are some of the paintings created by the Christian Mothers and another group where some children were present.

When you organize your meeting, Catherine will come to your church and bring all the supplies needed including step by step directions on creating the artwork for that session. While parishioners are using the materials and creating the artwork, Catherine will lead everyone in a Rosary. Plan for 3 hours. Contact Catherine for more information at Catherine will only paint pictures of Jesus Christ in these sessions. 985-237-3660



Everything on this site, images and writing, are copyrighted to Catherine Rose Chiara. Nothing may be copied from this sight.

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