Love Letters from God, Snapshots of Jesus, Praying & Painting, St. Michael the Archangel, Immaculate Heart of Mary

In 1996 I was living in Cincinnati, Ohio and the Ohio River flooded. I painted a large painting of the river and the city and titled it After the Flood. In 2000 I had 500 prints made, 19 inches x 27 inches, from a very fine commercial printing press in Cincinnati. I carried these prints around with me for 23 years. On March 8, 2023 Our Lady of the Lake Altar Society hosted a Lenten reflection with a guest speaker Sister Judith Ann Gomila. At one point she asked if any of us journaled. I told her I used to write love letters to God. Later that day God told me to go to storage and retrieve a few of the prints I had made in 2000. After taking them home he told me to cut them into shapes such as hearts and crosses and make collages. After I made the first two I saw where he was going with this. I began making them and he told me they are love letters from him to me. A week later he told me to make and sell at least 350 so I can go with OLL to the Holy Land in 2024 and see the birthplace of the one sending me these love letters. Due to political turmoil in the Holy Land the trip has been diverted to Greece. I will go to Greece and when I can I will travel to the Holy Land. God then told me the meaning of the title. After the Flood meant after the great flood where Noah built an ark and the flood wiped out humanity, God began planning for me, waiting until the time he decided two people would come together and create me from human love so Jesus could love me with Godly love.
​The Love Letters are 9 inches x 12 inches. Snapshots of Jesus are 10 inches x 8 inches. I plan to be make a picture book from these images Jesus has created through me.